Wednesday, September 9, 2009

1 and 15

thats how many days are left until we get married!
one month and fifteen days to be exact!

today was our second appoinment with the florist and it went well.
she had a very beautiful centerpiece set up for us to see with plates, chargers, glasses, napkins and chair covers with sashes all set up and ready for us to see.
knowing me my first response was wow that's beautiful but as i sat there and looked at it i started picking it apart like always . so we went to her facility and she has every flower every table cloth every centerpiece everything you could ever think of she has! so we started looking around and we made some suggestions for the centerpiece and so she is going to swap somethings around and change the colors a little bit and we're going to go back once again and take a look and see what shes done.

mean while i still have to go to mens warehouse and change the color and style of the vest and ties for the groomsmen because it's still in that green color. i also need to order another small dress offline for my sister to wear. ugh!
i need a job so bad!

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